STEC Archives, Print Document Division
Curator signature: Marby
Format: Archival Records
Object: Memorandum authorizing additional funding to special project “Special Task and Evaluation Command”
Location (if known): White House
Time (if known): November 11, 1953
Others present:
Secretary of State
General Smith
Admiral Nimitz
Vice Admiral Lockwood
Rear Admiral Burke
Authorization was sought from the President to go ahead on a program designed to increase the budget of the Special Task and Evaluation Command (STEC) by approximately 20 million. Admiral Nimitz notes that much of this would be invested and used for basic infrastructural and logistical purposes. The unusual nature of STEC’s true operations (pertaining to that of the shipgirl and fairies) should result soon in complete financial independence possibly within the decade.
The President approved this action and asks about the progress of STEC. Rear Admiral Burke reports that STEC has eliminated one additional Abyssal since the last special meeting in June, and that no further sightings are observed.
Rear Admiral Burke delivers a report on STEC’s research progress. He comments that much of the data expected to be derived from current projects – such as results of biomedical tests – would be of general scientific interest. However, data such as the development of systems pertaining to shipgirl technology and other theoretical operations that could arise from such remains classified. The President agreed to this recommendation, but larconically points out that when he wrote STEC’s constitution he never would have thought that the classified information would be “stuff straight out of fairy tales.”
Vice Admiral Lockwood reports that STEC’s progress in underwater projects are developing at a satisfactory speed. Embedded personnel in Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet is beginning routine surveys. He wonders if there are ways to increase the number of ONI fairies or even possibly the future of a submarine shipgirl appearing. The issue of involved Admiral Rickover into STEC is raised.
General Smith indicated that while the CIA is capable of providing additional intelligence support, it will be necessary for STEC to create its own infrastructure given the increasingly large demand. Rear Admiral Burke suggests that an additional 7 million be allotted to STEC for this purpose. The President indicated agreement.
The President concludes that STEC’s operations must be moral, secretive, and justified. He stresses that information pertaining to STEC is not to be released or used in any way that could be interpreted as provocation, as it is important to communicate to the world that the United States do not want war.