2016: The Nevada Primary with Nevada (拥有内华达的内华达州初选)

Alright that’s enough. Both of you. I registered to vote in the primaries a month and a half ago! Take your debating back to reddit or the comment section, okay?




We’re having a ton of fun with this. Believe me. We totally are.

While I generally stay away from assigning shipgirls direct political parties or political ideologies, there’s two that are rather explicit in their character design. Pennsy and Sanny. Think about geographical location, culture, demographics, and everything you know (off the top of your head) about those two places.

Then go do a little more digging. Think again.

See where I’m getting at?

They’re both idealists. In very different ways. But idealists nonetheless. Isn’t that what America is about? The ability to reach completely different conclusions? That’s diversity.

2016’s gonna be an interesting year, folks.

And yes, that is Harry Reid on Nevada’s shoulders. I figure if we ever make a game, I think the fairy politicians probably help boost resource generation or something. No partisan obstruction. They’re all in this together.

… Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice, huh?

PS. The reason why there’s a lot more Chinese text down there is because I’d like to explain a few things – Rubio’s short-circuit included. It’d really make me happy if you looked up the references on your own. Try searching for “Cruz lightsaber” (the team had a debate over the color, ironically), “Kasich democrat,” “Ben Carson fresh clothes” and the like. 😉

Okay, fine. Here’s what we were thinking when we designed Rubio. More succinct version.











水哥,现任美国议员,Marco Rubio精灵的机器人梗视频:


水哥表示:Let’s dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing!


水哥再次表示:Let’s dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing!


NJ州长Christie(视频中1:38):各位看到了吗?华盛顿DC(美国口语中相当于代表政府的口语词汇)现在就变成了这个样子。开嘴就满口胡言,乱咬人乱撒谎。然后给你吐出来一个已经背好的20秒官方答复 –


NJ州长Christie: 当你当总统的时候。你掌管一个国家的时候。你难道也会拿出来一段漂亮的20秒演讲稿来告诉人民美国优秀吗?我很高兴你想当总统。你的口才也很好。但我并不认为你能解决任何问题。这不是你应该担当的工作。


NJ州长Christie: 你这有点太不公平了吧?


水哥再次表示:Let’s dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing!

脸上有:3表情的州长:看没看到?There it is. 那段背好的20秒。看没看到?

有点慌乱的水哥: L-Let’s dispel (然后基本上就听不清了,因为州长的评论,围观者的欢呼,以及估计是电视台需要切剪视频~)





啊,对,在内华达肩膀上的那位确实是Harry Reid。现实生活虽然政党争论搞的一团糟,但如果美舰本做游戏的话我想这堆政治家精灵们的作用应该是加强后勤或者资源能源吧(笑)

Results from Iowa ◇ TIME LINENevada Episode IV: A New Hope >